
MD Protective Order

Understanding MD Protective Order: Protecting the Falsely Accused

Protective orders are important legal tools in Maryland for protecting people from threats or abuse. However, they also serve an important role in safeguarding people who have been wrongfully accused. These MD protective order allow you to obtain judicial protection quickly, ensuring that innocent people are protected from unwanted violence or harassment. Individuals who have been unfairly accused can defend their rights and keep themselves safe by seeking a protective order, highlighting the necessity of fair and just judicial proceedings in protecting all parties.

Understanding Maryland’s Protective Orders


What is a protective order?

A protective order in Maryland is a legal order issued by a judge to protect someone from abuse, which can include domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse, or other forms of harassment. A protection order is intended to prevent extra abuse by imposing legal limits on the abuser, such as no-contact prohibitions, removal from the shared house, and interim custody arrangements.

Types of Protective Orders

Maryland has three major forms of protective orders:

  • Interim Protective Orders: Issued by a District Court Commissioner when courts are closed, these orders provide instant but temporary relief until a judge can hear the matter.
  • Temporary Protective Orders: These orders, granted by a judge during an initial hearing, provide up to seven days of protection, which can be extended for up to six months if necessary.
  • Final Protective Orders: These orders, issued following a complete court hearing, can last up to a year and may be extended in specific circumstances.

Grounds for Obtaining a Protective Order

To get a protective orders in Maryland, the petitioner must prove that they were abused.  The legal definition of abuse includes the following:

  • Acts that cause large bodily injuries.
  • Acts that put the target in dread of immediate serious bodily injury
  • Assault, Rape, or Sexual Offenses.
  • False incarceration.
  • Stalking

The petitioner must show that the protective order lawyer shares a specific relationship with the respondent, such as being a present or past spouse, cohabitant, or having a kid together.

The Procedure for Obtaining a Protective Order

Filing a petition

The petitioner begins the process by submitting a petition for protection against domestic violence in the District or Circuit Court. The petition must outline the incidences of abuse and include proof to back up the claims.

Initial Hearing

An initial hearing is held, usually on the same day that the petition is filed. If the evidence is enough, the judge may impose a temporary protection order.

The consequences of protective orders in Maryland

A protection order may have serious repercussions for the respondent, including:

  • Prohibition of contacting the petitioner
  • Eviction from the joint home.
  • Temporary custody of children.
  • surrendering firearms
  • Impact on employment and reputation. 
  • Impact of False Allegations

Legal and Personal Consequences

False charges of abuse that result in a protective order can have serious consequences for the accused’s life. Some of the repercussions are:

Legal Consequences: 

If the protection order is breached, the respondent may face criminal penalties, including fines, imprisonment, or both. The order may also impact divorce or custody proceedings.

Personal Consequences: 

False accusations can harm one’s individual connections, reputation, and mental health. Defending against false claims can be quite stressful.

Professional Consequences: 

An MD protective order might have an impact on work, particularly in fields that need background checks or security clearance. The stigma of being accused of abuse might result in job loss and trouble obtaining new work.

Identifying False Allegations

False allegations can stem from a variety of motivations, including:

  • Revenge: An ex-partner may falsely accuse you in order to exact revenge for perceived wrongs.
  • Custody battles: In a heated custody dispute, one parent may falsely accuse the other to gain an advantage.
  • Misunderstandings: Miscommunication or misinterpretation of actions or words can result in false accusations.

Legal protections for those falsely accused

Maryland law provides many methods to safeguard those who have been wrongfully charged.

  • Right to a Hearing: The respondent is entitled to a full court hearing to submit evidence and contest the allegations.
  • Right to Appeal: If a protective order is imposed, the respondent may appeal the decision to a higher court.
  • Legal Representation: The respondent is entitled to legal representation to ensure that their defense is properly presented.

Defending against false allegations

Gathering evidence

To properly defend against false claims, the accused must get evidence to back up their position. This could include:

  • Witness Testimony: Statements from witnesses who can back up the respondent’s version of events.
  • Physical evidence can include text messages, emails, or images that refute the charges.
  • Alibi: evidence indicating the respondent was not present when the alleged abuse happened. 

To sum up,

With over 50 years of combined legal experience, our attorneys at The Law Offices of SRIS, P.C. bring unparalleled knowledge and competence to every case. Contact us at the Law Offices of SRIS P.C. for help with the MD protective order. Our knowledgeable attorneys provide a solid defense for individuals wrongly accused, protecting your rights and battling for your innocence. Get experienced legal advice today.


Protective order law in Maryland governs the issuing, enforcement, and violation of protective orders, with the goal of protecting individuals from abuse while simultaneously upholding the accused’s rights

In Maryland, violating a protection order can lead to criminals violating protective order Maryland, fines and jail time. To avoid these penalties, strictly adhere to the order’s provisions.

A protective order lawyer Maryland can provide legal help, get evidence to support your case, dispute false claims, and ensure that your rights are safeguarded throughout the legal proceedings

Research lawyers with experience in protective order cases, read their testimonials and client reviews, and arrange consultations to discuss your case and assess their approach and suitability for your needs.